Articles of Care
All employees of this establishment are expected to uphold the following principles of care in respect of the rights of all residents in this home.
1. The right to fulfilment:
To assist residents to achieve their full potential capacity, however small, in respect of their physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. To encourage resident participation in the creation of their personal Care Plans. These will be reviewed and updated monthly.
2. The right of dignity:
To preserve the self-respect of residents by
- maintaining status
- affording privacy in space, belief and opinions
- recognition and use, where appropriate, of talents
- the practice of courtesy and respect at all times
3. The right of autonomy:
To maintain a resident’s right to self-determination and freedom of choice subject to the limitations of group living; the provision of choice, with assistance where necessary, to express wishes and preferences including external help, (e.g. doctor, solicitor, etc.) and to maintain contact with relatives, friends and representatives. Visitors are always welcome at any reasonable time.
4. The right of individuality:
To respond to the individual needs of each resident to enable him/her to maintain a particular identity in respect of religion, beliefs, opinions and reasonable idiosyncrasies.
5. The right to self-esteem:
To recognise the qualities, experiences, talents and previous higher status of each resident; to get to know relatives and visitors, then to use this information to maintain the morale of individual residents.
6. The right to a high quality of life:
To expect a wide range of normal activities to be available; to enable a resident to exercise freedom of choice, and to provide opportunities for shopping, visiting, etc. to provide facilities for each resident to follow his/her own particular religious or political pursuits, and to recognise the necessity at all times for privacy to carry them out.
7. The right to freedom of emotional expression:
To maintain the resident’s right to have normal opportunities to develop personal relationships within and outside of the home.
8. The right to take risks:
To allow all residents to undertake activities which contain an element of risk, the criteria being the resident’s competence to judge, and risk to others.